Our pastor

Pastor Hatch is our senior pastor. He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology at Pacific Coast Baptist College, CA; and the Master of Divinity Degree from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, VA. He is married to Cynthia and they have two daughters and one granddaughter. He has been doing full-time ministry for 32 years and has been the senior pastor at Stonebrooke for the past 18 years. 

Hatch is an outgoing guy who loves people and building relationships. He surfs, plays basketball, and has a fantastic eye for photography. He enjoys fellowship with others, from grabbing lunch to playing Call of Duty or watching the Lakers play basketball. 

He is passionate about creating, leading and growing a modern Christ-centered church that understands today's culture to reach them using creative medias and outlets in the community with the message of salvation. 

He has had a lot of experience in ministry, from growing and maturing teens in Tracy, CA to become worship and spiritual leaders in their community; to helping countless families (especially the military community) in Vista, CA learn to love God and grow their relationship with Jesus. He is enthusiastic about Stonebrooke Church's direction and prays that God will continue to let our church be a vessel to the local community's families and individuals.